3 Ways To Promote The Harmonious Development of Your Child’s Talents

Every child has unique talents that have to be identified and nurtured so that they perform well in their school life and during their whole lifetime. We all have big dreams for our kids, but recognizing the fact that each child is unique with their desires, talents, and goals is important.

In the past, schools used a narrow definition of intelligence that didn't account for multiple ways for children to show their abilities. In fact, some children had difficulties with showing their talents as well. However, in today’s world, schools are using fair and broad methods to identify unique talents in children and help to nurture and develop them.

So what role should schools play in helping children to find their talents and nurturing it?

Best residential School in Bangalore

Offer individual attention

With the class strength of 50 to 60, it could be difficult for the teacher to offer individual attention to each child. That is the significance of sending your child to a well-established international school where the number of students in a classroom is kept low.

In such a setting, teachers can give their individual care and attention to all children present in a class. By making observations, teachers can provide learning supplies that can help a child explore their interests further.

Provide training in recognizing signs of talent

Most of the boarding schools make parents active partners in their child’s education. Parents play vital roles in their children’s school and must help the school to understand how their children’s talents can be developed. Some schools even give out nomination forms to parents to check off ways by which their children are gifted.

Schools can conduct enrichment programs for talents students for different categories so that you can easily figure out ways in which they are gifted. Make sure that children are given the adequate support they require to be retained in such enrichment activities.

Create a support system for parents

Conducting various support systems for parents like workshops on ways to help develop their child’s talents at home works to a greater extent. A good school takes care of all these and offers enrichment materials for parents to be used at home for nurturing their children’s talents.

In an International school, children with different learning styles, varied culture, educational background and social skills participate together in programs. Hence schools must have a uniquely crafted curriculum that is effective for every child.


While a school’s first responsibility towards its students is academic, their roles don’t end there. The ways the teachers and staff interact with children affect a child's development in significant ways. A best residential school often can introduce a child to a plethora of opportunities from early on.

Interactive projects, enrichment programs, workshops, multicultural activities, field trips etc encourage and let your child try out new activities. In a single place, children can learn to play, swim, do a craft, dance, and sign up for volunteer ship and what not. All these experiences help to develop and nurture their interests, boost self-esteem and shape their academic and professional life in future.