Innovative Methods of Teaching International Residential Schools Follow

Teachers think about innovative ways to teach students various subjects and motivate them to enhance their interest in learning. the simplest and effective way residential schools follow is to set up their own learning space. Though school is the primary source of instruction. The learning process should extend beyond the walls and boundaries of the classroom. However, schools must lay a foundation for students to extend their academic and social growth beyond the classroom. Here are some of the methods best international schools in Bangalore follow.

Active learning through visualization

Anything narrated through visuals catches our attention and we remember it forever. Similarly, it can be hard for students to understand disconnected acts but when put into the visualized format, they master it and this leads to a long-term understanding of what is being taught in the class. Visualization is a pretty good teaching method followed by the best schools. Visualization is a part of active learning where teachings are imparted in visualized formats so that it gets registered in their memory soon.

Well organized learning space

Space, where students learn, plays a significant role in how they grasp concepts. Classrooms must not only be spacious, but they must also have all the equipment and furniture that facilitates learning. Schools equip the classroom with computers, tablets, smart boards enhance the interest to learn new concepts. Many schools leverage classroom technology using videos to teach subjects like maths, languages etc. Schools also communicate with guest speakers from around the world to allow students to explore subject using audio video and even software.

Collaborative learning through discussions

Schools that follow collaborative learning is devoted to implementing active learning projects in the classroom that allows students to think, talk and share information within the classroom among fellow students. They form discussion groups and follow collaborative problem solving to learn concepts through communicating with their peers.

Encourage different type of learning styles

Each child is unique and has a different style of learning and there is no ideal learning style. It is better to follow the style that suits each student. Whatever learning technique your child is comfortable in learning must be encouraged. Some schools encourage different types of learning styles by following various patterns of visual teaching and teaching through social, physical and verbal techniques to find out what suits a class the best. When learning engages students in the way they are interested in, it becomes fun for them and they show more interest.

Game-based learning techniques

Researches have proven that game-based learning offers immense opportunities to improve their learning and cognitive skills development. Through game-based learning, students experience the pleasure of learning something new through the way they enjoy. Game-based learning through team-based activities accentuates its benefits and it brings in a healthy competition among students. Game-based learning is an excellent way to introduce new ideas and concepts to students. Turning every day into learning day through interesting activities and games helps students to develop the internal motivation to learn something new in the classroom and outside the boundaries of a school. These are some of the effective ways followed by the international residential school to engage their students in the learning process and make learning a pleasing experience for them. Children who take charge of active learning are driven to explore new things.